Fact-checkers are the hidden heroes of journalism, multi-talented polymaths who toil in relative anonymity, both at this publication and others. Which is why it’s an unexpected delight to see a new NBC Web series inspired—however loosely—by their efforts. “Fact Checkers Unit” began life in 2008 as a short film. The concept was simple: Dylan (Brian Sacca) and Russell (Pete Karinen) make up the fact-checking department—excuse me, “unit”— at Dictum, a fluffy celebrity-driven magazine. Their job? To verify critical information, like whether or not Bill Murray drinks warm milk before going to bed, or whether boot-cut jeans are indeed “so last year.” The self-described “fact vigilantes” take extreme measures to find out the truth, no matter how trivial. The short film has now been adapted into the Web series, with new episodes every Tuesday.
See the rest of the story at newyorker.com
Related:The Art of Fact-Checking
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